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Sparrow Locksmiths

Sparrow Locksmiths
Sparrow Locksmiths are your trusted local locksmith company, covering Northampton, Milton Keynes, Bedford and other places in Northamptonshire.

We offer professional locksmith services for domestic and commercial premises. We specialize in:
- Lock opening;
- Lock repair
- Lock changing;
- UPVC & Double-glazing services;
- Gate and garage locks;
- Emergency lockouts;
- Gaining entry to property;
- Same day lock supply and installation;
- Non-destructive lock opening;

All our technicians are qualified professionals, polite and customer-oriented. If you need an urgent help to extract a snapped key or open a house door - just call 0740 5216806 and our specialist will arrive at your doorsteps in 30 mins.


Northamptonshire   Northampton
Listed in
locksmiths business directory northamptonshire business directory locksmiths In northamptonshire business directory locksmiths In Northampton business directory

Advert Id: 1712

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